How do I add/edit a post

How do I add/edit a post

Firstly, what are you trying to do?
  • Add a post? Then in the main menu go to Posts and then Add New
  • Edit an existing post? Then in the main menu go to Posts and then select the post you want to edit by clicking on the post.
Now please follow the below steps to add/edit the content:
  1. You may want to add/edit the post title/name. At the top of the page you will a field where you can edit/add a post title.
  2. You may want to add/edit the post content. Just below where you added/edited the title you will see a main content area. This area may look slightly different depending on how your website was built, but it will likely be a text area where you can add/edit content kind of like Microsoft Word.
  3. You can also assign your post to categories and/or tags which can be done by clicking on items in the Categories and Tags boxes on the right hand side of the page. This can help create better categorisation of your content so you and visitors can find content more easily.
  4. We also recommend adding a featured image for your blog post. You will also see a featured image box on the right hand side. Click on an existing image to edit and replace it, or click the Add featured image link to add a new image to the post.
  5. Once you are done click the Update/Publish button.
You may want to make a post just private so website visitors can't view the post but you can. To do this in the publish box on the right hand side, set Visibility to Private.
You can also change the website permalink/URL, this can be done by clicking on the blue link just under the post title.