How to create/edit coupons/discounts

How to create/edit coupons/discounts

You can create coupon codes which can be used by customers to get discounts on your products or services. There are heaps of options with coupons, so let's go through the steps below:
  1. From you main menu go to Shop/eCommerce and then Coupons.
  2. The first field at the top of the page is the coupon code that the customer has to enter. You may want to make this easy to remember if it's for all your customers or very difficult if it's a special deal for someone. You can use this password generator here if you want to generate many random codes. 
  3. Next, enter in a description of the code which can be used by you internally.
  4. Below this in the Coupon data area you will see 3 tabs: Genera, Usage restriction and Usage limits. In the general tab you can enter in the discount type and amount and the expiry date. In the usage restriction tab you can choose a range of restrictions of the coupon like setting a minimum spend for the code to be valid or included/excluded products/categories. In the Usage limits tab you can set how many times the coupon can be used, what items need to be in the cart for the coupon to be valid and the amount of times a coupon can be used per a customer.